We Will Do It Together!!

I have started this blog for my friends and family on the 28 day cleanse. Hopefully, this will help us share meal ideas, struggles and accomplishments.

Remeber it takes 21 days to break a habit!!! 28 to start a new!!

Lunch and Dinner Ideas

Keep on Hand:
Make sure to keep ready made brown rice and quinoa on hand.  I also like to roast some vegetables and have those ready to add to a meal.   You can add vegetables to quinoa or brown rice and then throw in cubed chicken  or sliced fish from the last night's meal.

Basic Format of Meal
Meats (Lean Protein)- wild fish (cold water), chicken, grass fed beef (try to keep it to 1x per week), turkey ~ 3-4 oz. --
I like to keep the chicken moist by broiling it for five minutes flip and broil it on the other side.  Also for fish, I like to bake it and / or broil.  A simple marinade is below.
Healthy fat - sauteed in olive oil 1-2 tsp , 1/4 avocado
Non Starchy Vegetables - salad or veggie soup and/or Roasted or steamed veggies (saute in olive oil if you use that as your fat, but better to drizzle on your fat than cook in it.) at least a 1/2 cup
High Fiber Carb OR Low Glycemic Fruits - 1/4(women) - 1/2 cup(men)

Here is a simple dinner -- tilapia (w/ lemon salt and pepper), brown rice and roasted vegetables

  • Lunch I took to school:  Chicken, rice and vegetables tossed together with an avocado

Sauteed shrimp, herb covered steamed green beans, tumeric infused quinoa, and a green salad

Rice and Beans - Another quick and simple idea
1/4 - 1/2 (men)  cup brown rice, 1/2 cup beans, veggies (I add lettuce for a taco salad feel) + I add salsa, be sure it doesn't have vinegar!

Simple Marinade --
1/4 cup Olive oil or grapeseed oil
1/4 cup Bragg's Liquid Amino or Tamari
Garlic cloves
1/4 cup Lemon
Fresh herbs

Lentil Soup
1 cup of chopped onions
1 cup of chopped carrots
1 cup of celery
saute in olive oil until soft

1 cup lentils
5 cups of vegetarian broth (alkaline broth on separate page)
Optional crushed tomatoes

Boil on low for an hour or until lentils are soft.

If you have a Trader Joe's you can use the cooked one package of pre-steamed lentils in the refrigerated section near pre-cut veggies.